since the move in november not sure where all the time has gone. the absolute move from hell. wisconsin weather went crazy and we had 5 degree tempertures and snow and ice. i slipped on the front steps several times because of snow -lucky i did not get hurt. fell a couple of times--at the end of november we finally got everything moved. december flew by just trying to do move recovery.
have to get rid of stuff. most everything went in the basement so slowly slowly going through. no heat down there so ran a small heater so the water pipes would not freeze. so not alot got done. the weather is warming but i get so darn cold and then it takes forever to warm up.
the last couple of weeks took all the quilt tops i have collected and brought them upstairs. started finishing some of them and have really enjoyed seeing something getting finished. wow i must have 50 quilts to finish. the good news won't be moving again. have room now to get back to it.
simple machine quilting down the seam lines |
30's fabrics -what a riot of color |
most of these tops i paid 25.00 to $30.00 for makers unknown |
adore the variety of 30's fabrics |
captures the cat living under the house. much improved. |
seven sisters pattern really small pieces. still a water stain after washing. |
love all the fabrics even within each star. |
here you can see a bit of the stain. still like it. |
machine quilting with simple meander. |
i spy internet trading. sewing them as they arrive. |
my hexagons -hung it up to enjoy it and study the geometry |
30's scrap hexagon. wow the fabrics. |
ugly or wonderful?? |
the blue flower print is used alot |
the red polka dot is a ribbed fabric not sure what it is. |
loose meander quilting. |
the pink is a satin. |
the maker has one complete flower-must have been an accident! |
i enjoyed watching this wonky loud 30's fabrics come to life.