got home the first week of august. time has just flown. I have switched my bed to the front room hoping to cut down on the heat and elec bills. Plan on keeping that room closed off.
so trying to clean out the room in the front of the house for a workroom/bedroom.
there just is not enough room for a separate work room.
i have way to much fabric. But am struggling on what to get rid of. sometimes i think i just need to close my eyes and fill the van and go to St. Vincents. something has got to go as I do not want to move all of this again.
so bad at organization. so then my little pea brain decided to deal with the fabric later....
got all my finished quilts. together. a pile of ufo's and a hugh container of partial started stuff.
repeat after me like things together.
have been throwing stuff in shoe boxes, metal tins etc as i worked through the years. Do we empty these . Nope Just start another one or add to an existing...Soo going through getting thread rounded up etc.
Trying to stay on track. Would rather be sewing. or doing something else. very painfull for me but need to keep at it. The hall way is filled with boxes of fabric not counting all the containers in the back room and in the basement. This is NOT quick or easy.
labor day weekend---yup more labor ........see ya